COVID-19 Vaccination Symptoms Data
  • The vaccine records uploaded to SHINE are voluntary records. A user may have completed both the first and second doses of the vaccine, but only record the second dose in the app.

All data is based on voluntary records from SHINE app users and does not guarantee accuracy; responsibility for the use of this data lies with the user.

Information for variables

It has 21,693 rows and 39 columns, and the columns contain information of the following four types.

1. User Information

Column Name Description Example
age_group Age group 30
gender Gender Male

2. Underlying Disease Information

Column Name Description Example
underlying_disease Presence of underlying disease Yes

3. Vaccination Information

Column Name Description Example
dose_1_date First dose date 2021-01-21
dose_1_type First dose vaccine type AZ
dose_2_date Second dose date 2021-02-22
dose_2_type Second dose vaccine type Pfizer
dose_3_date Third dose date 2021-03-23
dose_3_type Third dose vaccine type Janssen
dose_4_date Fourth dose date 2021-04-24
dose_4_type Fourth dose vaccine type Moderna

Unentered information by the user is marked with a dash (-).

4. Symptom Information

Information about symptoms that appeared after each dose of the vaccine.

Column Name Description Example
dose_1_post_allegy First dose allergic reaction 1`4
dose_1_post_fatigue First dose fatigue 1
dose_1_post_fever First dose fever 1
dose_1_post_inject_pain First dose injection site pain 1
dose_1_post_inject_swell First dose injection site swelling 2
dose_1_post_pain First dose pain (excluding injection site) 2`3
dose_1_post_vomit First dose vomiting 3
dose_2_post_allegy Second dose allergic reaction 1`4
dose_2_post_fatigue Second dose fatigue 1
dose_2_post_fever Second dose fever 1
dose_2_post_inject_pain Second dose injection site pain 1
dose_2_post_inject_swell Second dose injection site swelling 2
dose_2_post_pain Second dose pain (excluding injection site) 2`3
dose_2_post_vomit Second dose vomiting 3
dose_3_post_allegy Third dose allergic reaction 1`4
dose_3_post_fatigue Third dose fatigue 1
dose_3_post_fever Third dose fever 1
dose_3_post_inject_pain Third dose injection site pain 1
dose_3_post_inject_swell Third dose injection site swelling 2
dose_3_post_pain Third dose pain (excluding injection site) 2`3
dose_3_post_vomit Third dose vomiting 3
dose_4_post_allegy Fourth dose allergic reaction 1`4
dose_4_post_fatigue Fourth dose fatigue 1
dose_4_post_fever Fourth dose fever 1
dose_4_post_inject_pain Fourth dose injection site pain 1
dose_4_post_inject_swell Fourth dose injection site swelling 2
dose_4_post_pain Fourth dose pain (excluding injection site) 2`3
dose_4_post_vomit Fourth dose vomiting 3

Basic Information of the Data

User Information

1. Gender Distribution


Value Description
M Male
F Female

2. Age Distribution


Age groups are represented by numbers. For example, 20 means ages 20-29. The exception is that 10 represents ages 14-19 and 70 represents all ages 70 and over.

Underlying Disease Information


Value Description
Y Underlying disease present
N No underlying disease

* Underlying conditions: diabetes, hypertension, chronic cardiovascular disease, chronic cerebrovascular disease, neuromuscular disorders, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma, chronic lung disease, chronic kidney disease, dialysis, chronic liver disease, cancer, blood cancer, bone marrow transplant, organ transplant, autoimmune/rheumatic diseases, immunosuppressive drug administration.

Vaccination Information

1. Vaccination date


2. Vaccination by dose


3. Vaccine type


Value Description
Pfizer Pfizer
Moderna Moderna
AZ AstraZeneca
Novavax Novavax
Janssen Janssen
Symptom Information

1. Allergic reaction

Value Description
0 None
1 Rash
2 Hives
3 Itching
4 Swelling of the face or lips
- Not entered

* Multiple selections are separated by `

2. Fatigue

Value Description
0 No symptoms
1 Symptoms present
- Not entered

3. Fever

Value Description
0 No symptoms
1 Symptoms present
- Not entered

4. Injection site pain

Value Description
0 No symptoms
1 Symptoms present, but not severe enough to require medication
2 Pain severe enough to require medication for 1-2 days, no impairment in arm movement
3 Pain persists for 3 or more days, or pain is not controlled even with medication
- Not entered

5. Injection site swelling

Value Description
0 No symptoms
1 Diameter less than 5cm
2 5-10cm (uncomfortable to move)
3 More than 10cm, difficult to perform activities
4 Abscess formation
- Not entered

6. Pain (outside the injection site)

Value Description
0 No symptoms
1 Headache
2 Joint pain
3 Muscle pain
- Not entered

* Multiple selections are separated by `

7. Nausea

Value Description
0 No symptoms
1 Nausea present, but not uncomfortable enough to interfere with daily life
2 Occurs 1-2 times a day
3 Occurs more than 3 times a day
- Not entered
